Princess Miki – Your Cock Craves Digital Self Destruction – Humiliation POV

Home » Asian » Princess Miki – Your Cock Craves Digital Self Destruction – Humiliation POV
Date: 14.04.2023
PlayTime: 00:10:09
Quality: 1280х720
FileSize: 749,58 MB

This clip featuring Princess Miki contains a wealth of visual delights. The audio effects include binaural noises and other audio effects designed to wreck your brain. You’re a messed up person, aren’t you? You know how it feels. This addiction is killing me. You just can’t help yourself. Each time you stroke the jerk on your screen, you are making yourself feel worse. And what are you stroking? This is not just any porn. Porn that is focused on your sexuality and your self-esteem will make you addicted. You can get mad if I remind you. You are actively ruining your sex life right now by humping me your hand and reminding yourself that you have an addiction. It’s your sex. You’re so accustomed to it, you feel like you need it constantly. You are constantly being dehumanized in many clips. You’re so fixated on being dehumanized that you can’t look away. You’re just a stroke-puppet. You’re like a little zombified child who can be easily controlled by brats that hate you. We destroy your self-esteem and your sexuality. You can’t stop. Continue to stroke even as you continue your digital destruction. Continue to stroke despite the fact that your hole is getting deeper. You’ll never be able go back to a life where you don’t have your eyes fixed on a screen or your hand resting on your cock. You won’t be in a position to return to your normal life, one where you don’t have to fixate on the screen and rest your hand on your cock. Your life as you know it will never be the Same. You’re so absorbed in this world that you don’t want to go. You can’t touch it. You want to keep humping it for yourself night after day. This isn’t a dream. You’re addicted. You are addicted. It feels like you’re running your entire life. You won’t have the ability to get back. Now, your brain is in a dark area. You’re unable to think. You don’t want to think. You are a slave of this kind of porn. Both your mind, and the cock that you use to control it, have been taken over. Your brain has undergone a complete rewiring so that your bird can control it. Your bird wants to destroy more of your self. You are a complete jerkoff addiction. You think you’ll be able to stop.

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